
The right consultancy

Resolving ICT questions costs a lot of time and energy. More then once the wheel is reinvented again, at the expense of your turn over. We at CIS Solutions have a long history and most probably we've encountered your questions before, allowing us to provide an adequate answer. Therefore knowledge, expertise and pragmatism are the corner stones of our Consultancy unit.

This knowledge and expertise is mainly acquired in-house through our partnerships with renomated distributors and manufacturers. However we stay independant, simply because we think you must be able to choose. We analyse your wishes and requirements concerning CIS. Based on this we can start our integral architecture consultation that understands your company needs creating tailored designs and recommendations, for your CIS configuration. We advise you in order to make the right turn-key choices and are at your service during the realisation and implementation of these choices.

We can help you analysing and evaluating your current setup, help you preparing for new projects, choosing the right technology supplier and much more. We seek together with you the space for the best solution, pulling together the best of breed technology available on the market, to design a simple and practical solution that maximises your existing CIS infrastructure and saves on costs. In the scope of these analysising and preparatory audits, CIS Solutions can assist you with :

  • migrationplans,
  • security,
  • inventarisation,
  • CIS business optimalisation,
  • cost reduction,
  • continuity,
  • specificiations.

In the scope of network and infrastructure audits, we always provide you with a small free analysis of your network and infrastructure. If at that stage you prefer to continue working with us, we are glad to assist you further down the road.

We like to get things right, right away.